一生懸命warming upのAJCメンバー、カッコイイでしょう~
Look at everyone, seriously get warm up before lesson start.
"He Reigns"という曲です。
by Magae
"He Reigns", is a song which making us feel so touch, recently.
The tempo is a bit fast, feel like the lyrics are longer then the melodies, troublesome song.
BUT, we have decided to add this song to our performance in November and December ! Is our decision in taking up the challenges.
Our skills are increasing steadily.
We are trying to improve ourselves in many tactics, looking forward to the LIVE performance.
by Magae私たちがよく歌う曲のひとつに"O How Good And How Pleasant"があります。
The L.A Gospel MessengersというJames Cleveland(1931-1991 グラミー賞受賞4回のゴスペル界の大物)が作ったChoirの曲です。
特に中盤の「Together」の繰り返しから「Oh Yes! It's Wonderful~」で盛り上がっていく所、そして後半の「So good」を繰り返して、音程を上げて盛り上げて行くあたりは、力が沸いてくるようなフレーズで、聞いていて(歌っていても)楽しいです。
実は私たちの先生だったGreg Hartdigeは、かのJames Clevelandから直接才能を見い出されてこの世界に入った方だったというのはご存知でしたか?
by Shinshi
“O How Good And How Pleasant” is one of the Gospel song that we always love to sing.
It is composed by The L.A Gospel Messengers – James Cleveland (1931-1991 – He won 4 times of the Grammy Award, A-lister of Gospel musician)
It is one of the first songs that we learned when we formed our choir. Its magical rhythm just holds us together, give us energy. Especially at the middle, repeating “together” and “Oh Yes! It’s Wonderful~” creating a spectacular sensation ! Follow with the last part, the repeating of “So Good”, musical interval generating extraordinary energy with this powerful lyric. It is just gorgeous ~ !
In fact, our then-instructor Greg Hartdige entered into the arena of gospel music after his talent was discovered by well-known James Cleveland. This song has had such a background.
by Shinshi